Coach Mom Live: a refreshing retreat for adoptive and foster moms

Coach Mom Live 

Most adoptive and foster moms want nothing more than to see their children thrive and live out their God-given destinies

But because of brokenness of their children's pasts, trauma issues, and spiritual strongholds, they lose hope as they watch their children lose the same battles over and over again.

Coach Mom Live 2025: Hope & Future is a fun and encouraging getaway for moms to take a breath, let hope rise, and receive tools to fight for their children in the spiritual realm.

You will return home encouraged and empowered to identify and resolve the spiritual issues that may be hindering or blocking the fullness of God's power in your life and the lives of your children.


"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer. 29:11

Retreat! Receive the tools for spiritual breakthrough, providing your children the catalyst to reach their God-given destinies...their hope and future.


Brenna, sign me up!

A 2-minute Glimpse into Coach Mom Live 2024


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Take a break & take a breath

Rest, relax and receive what the Lord has for you to comfort and provide for you in this season. Let hope rise!

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Connect & be understood

Realize you are not alone in your struggles. This is a safe space to be transparent and honest as we seek God's grace and supernatural strategies for the battles we face daily. 

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Be encouraged and equipped

Learn how to identify and resolve spiritual issues that may be hindering your children from living out their God-given destinies.


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Amy Campos, mom of 5 (3 adopted)

"[When sitting in a room and sharing with other adoptive and foster moms]: It was such a beautiful thing...We were just saying 'I know!', 'I understand!', 'I get it!'"

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Tammy Davis, mom of 3 (one adopted)

"God has spoken to me telling me He sees me, He hasn't left me, and He loves me. He's not going to give up on me, [He's not going to give up] on 'us'."

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Veronica Scaff, adoptive mom

"The enemy is no longer going to have his stronghold over me and tell me who I'm not."

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Karyn Abbott, mom

"Make it a priority to be here. God will meet you here. He will grow you as a person, mom, family member, and any role you have."

The Schedule

Friday, Feb. 21

5:30 pm | Registered attendees check-in, Doors open

6:00 pm | Table talk intros, fun & game mixers

6:15 pm |  The first Main Session with worship leaders Derek and Taylor Stull, testimonial by Brenna & adopted daughter Mariama Stull

7 pm |  Receive prayer for spiritual breakthroughs in your family

7:30 - 8 pm | Cookies, Cocoa & Connections - mix and mingle with new friends, meet the speakers and musicians and celebrate our first night together

8 - 8:45 pm | Optional "Let's talk" bonus session for adoptive/foster/step moms, with Brenna Stull, addressing "When Resentment Rises"

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Saturday, Feb. 22

8:30 am | Coffee bar is open! Grab a cup of freshly roasted coffee and one of Brenna's homemade cinnamon rolls

9 am | Main Session #2: worship led by Derek and Taylor Stull, message by Brenna Stull"Exercising Your Authority for Breakthrough"

10:15 - 10:45 am | Prayer Experience - Taking Action

11 - 11:45 am | Breakout Session, choose to hear Jill Rhodes teach on Triumphing Over Trauma - or -  Lori Vober - "Parenting with Realistic Expectations and Persevering Through the Hard Unplanned Challenges "


12 pm | Lunch provided by Chef M. Kirkland of Feed & Fed

2 pm | Main Session #3, worship led by Derek and Taylor Stull, "Identifying Spiritual Issues and Mapping out Your Strategy" with Brenna Stull

2:45 pm | Discussion/"Hope & Future" Mapping around Tables

3:30 pm | Testimonials & Ask us Anything Panel

4:00 pm | Say goodbye, take last-minute photos, and the Truth Mom Tribe is open for new members. Join for ongoing support and to stay connected throughout the year.

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Meet Worship Leaders Derek and Taylor Stull

Husband and wife duo, Derek and Taylor Stull (@thestullsmusic) have been joyfully serving together in music ministry for over a decade. At the heart of their ministry, they hope to foster the presence of the Holy Spirit and lead those gathered to the feet of Jesus.

Derek serves as head music director at a local west valley high school, directing 3 choirs, band ensemble, and all musical performances.

Taylor (@taylorstullmusic) dedicates her time to songwriting & song production, seeing it as her unique way of bringing the Lord’s light into the world.

Taylor recently released her EP "Together".

Both serve together to lead worship at various churches/events around the valley of Phoenix & beyond. 

Meet Jill Rhodes

What people are saying:

"Where do you even start when you are talking about Jill Rhodes? Being in her presence you find comfort and encouragement.  Her teaching brings the Old Testament to life as she unveils the golden thread of Christ that ties it to the New Testament.  When she finishes, she always leaves you wanting more."  - Renee Hanson

"For over 25 years I have had the privilege of being taught by Jill. God has given her a gift of being able to discern His word and communicate it in a way that makes it come alive, be applicable and penetrate the heart of even the newest believer." - Debbi Baker

"From the first time I heard Jill's anointed Bible teaching 25 years ago, I knew I would never be the same as she opened the door into deeper discoveries about the Lord." - Brenna Stull

"God breathed! So insightful and able to teach the deep thoughts of God in a clear and easily understandable wayWe enjoy the abundant fruit of her labors and she has increased our faith." - Maggie Phillips

When she is not serving her family as wife, mom and grandma, Jill’s greatest love is exploring the deep riches of God’s Word. Over the last 40 years, she has shared the heart of God’s Word with women around the world through writing, teaching, and mentoring the next generations.

Jill, through Grace & Glory Ministries (founded by David and Jill), has written more than 30 Bible studies, which the Lord has used to encourage women in over 75 nations. She also serves locally as the Women’s Minister at Wellspring Church in Goodyear, Arizona.

Meet Lori Vober

Lori is a survivor, overcomer, connector, and encourager. She suffered a hemorrhagic stroke at age twenty-nine, and then developed epilepsy from the stroke.

Lori is passionate about choices, and even in our trials, we can still find hope, joy, and new success.

With the right perspective, attitude, and perseverance, we can stay unstuck and keep moving forward.

Even with her difficulties, Lori and her husband, Dainis, were able to become adoptive parents to a sibling group of three.

She published her first book, CHOICES: When You Are Faced with a Challenge, What Choice
Will You Make? in March 2022 and has been connecting and encouraging others to choose to
survive and thrive.

Her book received the 2023 Reader’s Choice Awards from The Christian Literary Awards in the categories of Christian Living and Testimonial. Lori’s journey and books can be found at


Want to see your children start winning their battles?

Take a breath, let hope rise, and receive tools to fight for your children in the spiritual realm.

Then go home empowered to identify and resolve the spiritual issues that may be hindering or blocking your children from living out their God-given destinies... hope and future found!

Brenna, sign me up!

Would you like to...

  • Retreat to rest, reflect, and reset
  • Find the space you need to share, be supported, and set your sights on bringing peace to this season.

This is your time. Because you are right here, right now, you have a unique opportunity. 

The 3rd annual Coach Mom Live is coming, and it is only $97.

For about the cost for a family of 4 to eat dinner out, you can enjoy a weekend that will bless your family for years to come.

Great deal, right?

Well, hold on to your hat...

Contact Brenna at [email protected] to get a promo code that will save you even more!

So, scroll down, click the button to sign up NOW

Then get ready to...

  • Take a break & take a breath
  • Connect & be understood
  • Be encouraged & equipped

Coach Mom Live


Feb. 21-22, 2025 Retreat

  • Amazing Worship
  • Teaching Sessions
  • Prayer Experience 
  • Retreat bag with notebook, pen, bracelet, satin sleep mask/pillowcase, keychain, and more surprises!
  • Connect with other moms
  • Friday night dessert
  • Saturday morning coffee and pastry
  • Saturday catered lunch

Brenna's story

I just want to get through this and never look back. That thought came to mind many times in our first couple years of becoming an adoptive family to two more children.

I knew adoption wouldn’t be easy, but I had no idea the level of hard it would be. What is even going on here? I often asked myself those days, and I doubted my own abilities as a parent.

After having raised five other children and feeling like I had a decent handle on home and family (even writing a book sharing my strategies and speaking to hundreds of moms groups), now all I could think was, Throw the book out -- this is a whole different ball game!

Raising kids with trauma, attachment and abandonment issues was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. We just never knew what a day -- or moment -- would bring. It complicated the parenting process by 100x.

We survived those years…and, unexpectedly, as soon as we got to a good place, I realized the "I just want to get through this and never look back" plan was not what God had for me.

Looking back to hard places

The Lord was calling me to remember back to the hard places in order to help other moms in my life who were almost at their breaking points.

I had been coaching moms weekly for more than 3 years in an online group called the Coach Mom Tribe to help them move from frazzled to fun by getting their homes and families organized. We were planning our first retreat, Coach Mom Live 2023, so I added in special sessions for foster and adoptive moms.

The calling

After hearing the desperation and needs of the foster and adoptive moms at the retreat and seeing their response to some of my encouragement and practical helps, I knew the Lord was leading me to pivot my mom’s ministry to foster and adoptive moms.

Shortly after that I created the Truth Mom Tribe, an online community and resource for honest, free, and fun foster-adoptive living.

At the 2024 Retreat more adoptive and foster moms were able to be encouraged and equipped to keep going, and the Truth Mom Tribe was launched.

This year we have the addition of my adopted daughter Mariama sharing testimony with me, singer/songwriters Derek and Taylor Stull back to lead worship, a time set aside for each mom to be prayed over (if they would like). and teachings to help you help your child win battles resulting from broken pasts, traumas, and generational strongholds.

So that brings us back to your opportunity.

Sign up for Coach Mom Live TODAY 

Limited seats are available -- reserve yours today!

Friday and Saturday, Feb. 21-22, 2025
Mission Valley Church, Phoenix, AZ
Brenna, let me in!