Stabilizing in the Midst of Chaos

faith inspiration Jul 19, 2024

We are living in times that will be talked about for generations.

I've been saying for 4 years that the based-on-true-story movie that will be made of these times we are living in could be the best of all time....

The lies

The betrayal

The treason

The magnitude of impact

The stakes

If we were blind to it before, the event that happened Saturday evening July 13, 2024, showed the evil that threatens our very Republic, which impacts all of our lives. 

My challenge to you: How do you want your kids to remember how you got through this time?

Someone who...


....did not fear?

...believed what the Bible says about God's power in and through us?

This is a time for us to pray more and worship more.

 "For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Eph. 6:12)

In the enemy's desperation with all the exposure that has happened thus far, he is likely to throw out the best he has to cause fear, overwhelm, rage and confusion. 

We cannot waver.

We must stand strong and unified, trusting God. With God nothing is impossible.

And greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).

What can we do?

1. Pray for discernment in what we see and hear. One prayer I like to pray with my prayer team in the mornings is, "Lord, we receive your Holy Spirit filter over our eyes and ears. Everything that we see and hear today we will see and hear from your perspective."

2. Pray Psalm 91 aloud over our families for protection.

3. Keep praise music playing in our homes. Worship is a weapon.

4. Remind yourself of the power of the Name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus, and speak those over difficult situations.

All of the above will not only help our emotional stability and peace, but will also be reassuring to our children. 

So, come what may, let's stand together strong and courageous.

After we come through this I believe we will be singing praises and dancing like the children of Israel after they crossed the Red Sea.

Their worst situation ever (that threatened their nation's existence!) became their greatest victory!


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