It looked impossible.
When Israel got backed up to the Red Sea and the Egyptian army was coming for them, the Israelites were terrified.
They'd just been miraculously guarded from the plagues of blood, frogs, gnats, livestock deaths, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and deaths of firstborn children.
They had been freed from slavery and even left with the riches of Egypt in their hands.
But there they stood thinking they were about to die by the sword of the Egyptian army.
Little did they know what God was about to do for them.
God was about to part the Red Sea and allow them to walk through on dry land!
One of the greatest deliverance stories in all of history!
A great reminder that...
NOTHING is impossible with God.
ANYTHING is possible with God.
Today situations may look impossible and things may look unsalvageable...and it may get a lot worse before the Lord intervenes.
But choose today as an act of your will to
1. reject fear
2. put your hope in the Lord
Our biggest challenges are God's greatest opportunities for glory.
There's no victory without a battle.
In twenty years from now when we are past these current battles, how do you want to look back on your response during this time?
Were you a mom who helped your family, in the midst of adversity and challenges, stay at peace and trust the Lord?
Look up! Your help is from the Maker of Heaven and Earth. He is able.
Perhaps the very biggest deliverance in all of history will be in our lifetime.
But we must pray.
Prayer is the highest intelligence, the profoundest wisdom, the most vital, the most joyous, the most efficacious, the most powerful of all vocations. It is life, radiant, transporting, eternal life. Away with dry forms, with dead, cold habits of prayer! Away with sterile routine, with senseless performances, with petty playthings in prayer! Let us get at the serious work, the chief business of men, that of prayer. Let us work at it skillfully. Let us seek to be adept in this great work of praying. Let us be so in the habit of prayer, so devoted to prayer, so filled with its rich spices, so ardent by its holy flame, that all heaven and earth will be perfumed by its aroma, and the nations...will be blest by our prayers.
- E.M Bounds
Today is the National Day of Prayer in America. Knowing agreement brings synergy to prayers, will you join me and millions of others in praying this specific prayer today?
Jesus, we profess our faith in You. You are the
Light of the world, and in You there is no
darkness. For You are our lamp, O LORD, and
our God who lights our darkness. Forgive us for
fearing and focusing on the darkness around us
instead of being filled with faith and shining like
the city on a hill You have called us to be.
Forgive us for the times when we have been the
absence of light, allowing darkness to dwell in
America. Lead us forward to dispel the darkness
and bring light throughout the Church, Family,
Education, Business, Military, Government, and
Arts, Entertainment, and Media.
We are saved by grace through faith, released
from the darkness that once held us captive and
now free to walk in the newness of life in You.
Light dispels darkness and exposes what is
hidden and wicked, so we commit to rise and
shine! For by You, Lord, we can take courage to
run against the enemy, and by our God we can
fight the good fight and keep the faith as living
lampstands in our communities and country.
We fear no evil for You are with us.
Lord, Your way is perfect, You lead us on paths
of righteousness for Your name's sake. Your
Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our
path. Your Word is Truth, instructing and
inspiring us to live in the abundant life You gave
when You saved us from the death and
destruction of the enemy. Fill us with Truth as
we read, study, and live Your Word.
God, You are a shield for all those who take
refuge in You. As we abide in You and Your
Word abides in us, we take up our shield of
faith and the sword of the Spirit which is the
Word of God and run boldly into the darkness
to Lift Up the Word and Light Up the World!
In the Mighty name of Jesus we pray, amen!
If you can, extend your prayer with this inspiring song:
America's Anthem by Rachel Shafer
God bless the U.S.A.!
50% Complete
I want to hear more from Coach Mom about how to live each moment intentionally and how to transform my family into an all-star team!